Watch Your Step by Jim Breen Issues/Opinions Editor

Malicious attempts to gather information through erroneous emails were reported last week in Leisure World.

The community was targeted in a scam called phishing, the act of sending an email to a user claiming to be a legitimate enterprise.

In reality, its a bold attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information by clicking on a link.

In last week’s incident in LW, hackers added an extra letter to a legitimate email address, placing a “v” after the “l” in

Residents are advised to use caution when reading e-mails. If you get one from an unfamiliar address, check it out. Links/attachments are often contained within these e-mails may contain virus or malware.

The best advice: Never click these links or open these attachments.

The LW threat came in the form of a compressed (“.zip”) file attachment: “” The sender addressed the email to make it appear corporate.

Opening an attached zipped file has the potential for major damage. Local files on personal computers and on shared network drives can become damaged and inaccessible.

One specific virus was recently identified as Cryptolocker, which falls into the category of “ransomware.”

When the file attachment containing malicious software is opened, Cryptolocker encrypts the files on the local PC and on any attached network drives.

Google “Cryptolocker” for the names of four firms that will assist people with those problems.

Additional information explaining “phishing” and how to recognize and take action against fraud is available at

Have you been the victim of a scam attempt? Send the details to or call 431-6586, ext. 387, Wednesday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m

Woman’s Club

The Leisure World Woman’s Club is sponsoring the Happy Days Bash on Saturday, Sept. 17, beginning at 11:30 in Clubhouse 2.

Those who attend are advised to arrive early to shop at the boutique and to purchase opportunity tickets for available prizes.

Everyone should be seated by noon when lunch will be served.

The Saddleback Doowoppers will provide entertainment with music from the 50s and 60s. There will be an opportunity to sing along and dance.

Residents are encouraged to invite neighbors, friends, church groups, relatives and Red Hat groups.

This is the one big event the club sponsors each year to raise money for eight philanthropies that receive donations.

Tickets can be obtained by contacting Le Ann Moore, 594-8704, or sending requests to 1541 Interlachen Road, 259H, Seal Beach, CA, 90740.

Tickets are sold individually for $25 or tables of eight can be reserved. Everyone must have a ticket to attend since they will not be sold at the door.

Senior Patriots for Peace

All are invited to participate in a peace vigil from 5-6:30 p.m. on July 27 in front of the main entrance of Leisure World along Seal Beach Boulevard.

The monthly event is sponsored by Senior Patriots for Peace.

Racism and violence continued to be broadcast on television across the nation this month. As Rodney King pleaded to his fellow Americans 25 years ago, “Can’t we all just get along?”

Residents are welcome for any block of time between 5-6:30.

Signs are always provided, or people can bring their own.

For more information, call Lucille Martin at 430-1047.

Remember When

Editor’s note: Remember When is presented by the Leisure World Historical Society. Help make history live, tell your story, donate memorabilia, join the Historical Society. For more information, call Joan Shramek, president, at 430-9090 or visit the LW Museum in Clubhouse 1 from 2-4 p.m., Thursdays.

July 15, 1976 - Plans were under way to transfer the Naval Air Station at Los Alamitos to the California Army National Guard. The Department of Defense planned to establish a reserve center for the use of all services. The plan was to be completed about Aug. 1.

July 16, 1986 - New stop signs were installed to regulate traffic on El Dorado Road crossing the drainage canal that runs along Golden Rain Road. Traveling in either direction, motorists had to stop in the center before crossing or turning onto Golden Rain Road.