Community Patrol

GRF Security Services provides patrol services to address parking concerns and violations, document incidents in the community, conduct resident welfare checks and assist local public safety agencies.
People who observe any incident in the community involving fire, property theft, or someone threatening physical harm should call 911 before notifying GRF Security Services.
Community Patrol in Action:
Assisting Police and Fire: In emergency situations, Security patrols help local police and fire agencies responding to incidents in Leisure World. Security provides traffic control at accident scenes, assists with evacuations, and responds to all paramedic calls within the community.
In case of a non-emergency: Security officers respond to calls relating to injury, theft, vandalism, traffic incidents, lost residents, resident disputes, noise, dog complaints and death reports among other types of calls. Security will take a report and forward the information to the GRF President or the relevant Mutual President for review with their respective boards.
Parking: The GRF and the Mutuals have established rules governing parking on Trust and Mutual property. Vehicles observed violating those rules will be issued a citation and may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Welfare Checks: If a friend or family member is concerned about a resident’s welfare, Security will dispatch a patrol officer to check on the resident. Staff will call the reporting party with their findings. There is no cost for this service.
Away-From-Home Checks? Security provides patrol and vacation checks upon request. Officers patrol the area periodically to check for suspicious activity and will notify residents of any concerns.