LW RV Club
The purpose of our club is to foster the use and enjoyment of recreation vehicles and to enjoy the fellowship of others with the same interests.
All GRF Members are welcome to join our club, owning a recreation vehicle is not a requirement for membership. We meet several months of the year and have a BBQ a couple of times a year.
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 1)
- 3rd Tuesday in January & February
- 5:00pm - 10:00pm
- No meetings in May - September
- 3rd Tuesday in January & February
- Clubhouse 1 Picnic Area
- 3rd Tuesday in May, July, & September - Picnic
- 3:00pm - 8:00pm
- 3rd Tuesday in May, July, & September - Picnic
Neighbor to Neighbor Club (Mutual 14)
- Scheduled as needed
Rainbow Sisters
Rainbow Sisters is a social club to help lesbians meet and socialize with other lesbians in Leisure World. We meet Tuesday evening at 6pm in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. We also have a game nights at 6:00pm on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 6.
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 9)
- 3rd Tuesday
- 6:00pm
- 3rd Tuesday
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 6)
- 2nd & 4th Friday
- 6:00pm
- 2nd & 4th Friday
- Geneva Potespan
- 951-675-4271
Rat Pack
The “Rat Pack” is a group of Leisure World members who go outside the gates to local establishments for “happy hour” about twice a month. This group also has three or four fun events (Birthday party, Halloween Party, Christmas Party, etc.) in one of the clubhouses in Leisure World each year. It is a great way to get to know your neighbors, have some fun, have interesting conversation, as well as have a variety of foods and beverages. For more information please contact Candy Petersen at or text or call at 951-203-1719.
- Scheduled as needed
Red Hat Society
Red Hat Groups are to have fun with other ladies. Meetings, luncheons, speakers, outings.
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 5)
- 4th Friday
- 1:00pm - 4:00pm
- Carmen, 562-430-6950
- 4th Friday
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 1)
- 2nd Monday
- 12:00pm - 4:00pm
- Arlene, 562-476-6161
- 2nd Monday
- Marianne, 559-410-2424
Schmooze Club
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 9)
- 2nd Tuesday
- 9:00am - 1:00pm
- No meetings in August
- 9:00am - 1:00pm
Social Club Seventeen (mutual 17)
- Clubhouse 1 (Picnic Area)
- 2nd Sunday in August
- 10:00am - 3:00pm
- 2nd Sunday in August
Sunshine Club
The Sunshine Club began on January 12th, 2012 with the mission of "Building Bridges for a Brighter Leisure World". The club meets each Friday in CH 3 Room 2 from 10:00am to 12:00pm and features speakers on various topics of interest to residents.
- Clubhouse 3 (Room 2)
- Friday
- 10:00am - 12:00pm
- Friday
- Anna Derby, 562-301-5339
- More Information
Where We Live
- Scheduled as needed
- More Information
Woman's Club, LW
The Woman’s Club of Leisure World is a non-profit philanthropic organization of 190 plus members who raise and donate money to charitable organizations that help others. Monthly General Meeting - 1st Tuesday (Oct-June) and Monthly Tabletop Games-3rd Friday in CH2.
- Clubhouse 2
- 1st Tuesday (October - June)
- 1:30pm
- 3rd Friday (Tabletop Games)
- 12:00pm
- 1st Tuesday (October - June)
- Kathy Russell, 949-293-7517