LWW Translate/Vie 08-17-23

Matt Lewis hits the stage as Elvis tonight

Tribute to Elvis

Aug. 17 | 7:30 p.m.

Amphitheater Stage

Matt Lewis began his entertainment career as an Elvis Presley tribute artist at the age of 12. While there are many Elvis entertainers in the business, only one has been named “The Best Elvis in Las Vegas” by USA Today.

Lewis embodies the man known as “The King of Rock and Roll.” The famous music artist from the ‘50s and ‘60s has been inducted into five halls of fame and sold over 1 billion records worldwide. His hits include “It’s Now or Never,” “Jailhouse Rock,” “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” and “Burning Love.”

Over the past 10 years, Lewis has headlined around the globe for the world-famous “Legends In Concert” show. He’s spent the last five years performing with the show at the Imperial Palace Hotel on the Las Vegas strip. 

Lewis has also appeared on the Jay Leno show, been featured on several pages of Entertainment Weekly and starred in the feature film “Tears Of A King.” 

There is no better talent than Matt Lewis to pay tribute to the great legacy of Elvis Presley.

See page 15 for the full Amphitheater season schedule.


New pharmacy provider chosen; renovations begin in fall

The pharmacy space at the Health Care Center will soon be occupied by MedCare Medical Pharmacy. Renovations to the pharmacy will start in October. The new space will be refreshed to match the rest of the HCC.

Much like Good Neighbor Pharmacy, MedCare “has a strong focus on you,” according to Optum’s Director of Group Operations Victoria Batistelli. 

“We believe in building strong relationships with our patients, taking the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide you with the information and support you need,” shared MedCare owners Vickie and Bryan Arthur.

The site will offer prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and additional health services. MedCare will have immunizations and medication therapy as well, making this a one-stop-shop for medication needs. MedCare also has an online refill option, as well as a delivery service. 

Residents who are SCAN patients will benefit from the fact that MedCare is a preferred pharmacy, meaning SCAN patients will pay less for most medications than they would at other pharmacies. 

Those who want to switch over to MedCare before the new pharmacy arrives can call MedCare at 714-557-2982. It will send over a form to complete.

“Like you, we are looking forward to having a pharmacy inside Leisure World once again!,” Batistelli said in a statement. “We will continue to share more information, including the open date for MedCare Medical Pharmacy, as the renovation winds down.”


Distribution of RFID tags will begin next month

Security will begin distributing RFID tags to the community in mid-September. To ensure that RFID tag issuance is completed in an efficient manner, Security will start issuing tags on a Mutual-by-Mutual basis, starting with Mutuals 16 and 17 on Tuesday, Sept. 12.

Any person that possesses a valid Leisure World identification card may receive one RFID tag for one vehicle with a valid GRF decal without charge. The GRF Board of Directors is currently reviewing the process for residents with additional registered vehicles.

To receive an RFID tag, people must have a valid Leisure World decal on their vehicle. 

Decals are available at the Decal Office next to the Café in Clubhouse 5. The Decal Office is open Tuesday through Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. (closed noon-12:30 p.m. for lunch). 

As a reminder, to receive a decal, people must have the following: (1) a valid state issued driver’s license, (2)  valid vehicle registration, (3) valid vehicle insurance, and (4) a valid GRF identification card.

RFID tags will be distributed at the 1.8-Acre site on each Mutual’s assigned distribution date. The hours of distribution will be 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Cars may line up no earlier than 8:15 a.m. on Oak Hills Drive. 

Before entering the 1.8 Acre site, Security will verify all four documents listed above (valid license, vehicle registration, vehicle insurance and GRF identification card). People will not be able to receive an RFID tag without presenting these documents.

Upon entering 1.8 Acre site, each person will complete a form that will include a list of the four permanent guests they want on his or her account. In addition, each person will need to provide a password for the account (the password may be any type of name or object or set of numbers).

To ensure the RFID tag issuance is completed in an efficient manner, Security will start issuance with Mutuals 16 and 17 on Tuesday, Sept. 12. 

If people miss their assigned day for any reason (illness, vacation, etc.), there will be an opportunity to obtain an RFID tag on a make-up day. 

Be advised that the make-up day will be after regular distribution of all RFID tags is completed, so issuance of the make-up RFID tag will be in later October. Additional dates for RFID distribution will be noted in the LW Weekly newspaper and on LW Live.

The Security Department must distribute over 10,000 RFID tags. The process will take nearly two months to complete. Therefore, Security cannot offer any specific day or timed reservations for RFID distribution. Residents have all day to obtain an RFID tag on their assigned day. 

—Victor Rocha,

 Security Director


Amphitheater Movie: ‘The Fabelmans’

On Aug. 18, Golden Globe winning movie “The Fabelmans” will be screened at the Amphitheater starting at 8:30 p.m.

Plot: Growing up in post-World War II-era Arizona, young Sammy Fabelman aspires to become a filmmaker as he reaches adolescence. But soon he discovers a shattering family secret, which motivates him to explore how the power of films can help him see the truth.

PG-13 | 2h 31min | drama



Watch for these four signs to avoid scams

Newly released Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data shows that consumers reported losing nearly $8.8 billion to fraud in 2022, an increase of more than 30% over the previous year. Here are four signs to watch out for to avoid being scammed: 

1. Scammers pretend to be from an organization you know. Scammers often pretend to be contacting you on behalf of the government. They might use a real name, like the FTC, Social Security Administration, IRS, or Medicare, or make up a name that sounds official. Some pretend to be from a business you know, like a utility company, a tech company, or even a charity asking for donations. 

They use technology to change the phone number that appears on your caller ID. So the name and number you see might not be real.

2. Scammers say there’s a problem or a prize.

They might say you’re in trouble with the government. Or you owe money. Or someone in your family had an emergency. Or that there’s a virus on your computer.

Some scammers say there’s a problem with one of your accounts and that you need to verify some information. Others will lie and say you won money in a lottery or sweepstakes but have to pay a fee to get it.

3. Scammers pressure people to act immediately.

Scammers want you to act before you have time to think. If you’re on the phone, they might tell you not to hang up so you can’t check out their story.

They might threaten to arrest you, sue you, take away your driver’s or business license, or deport you. They might say your computer is about to be corrupted.

4. Scammers tell you to PAY in a specific way.

They often insist that you can only pay by using cryptocurrency, wiring money through a company like MoneyGram or Western Union, using a payment app, or putting money on a gift card and then giving them the numbers on the back of the card. 

Some will send you a check (that will later turn out to be fake), then tell you to deposit it and send them money.

How To Avoid a Scam

Block unwanted calls and text messages. Take steps to block unwanted calls and to filter unwanted text messages.

Don’t give your personal or financial information in response to a request that you didn’t expect. 

Honest organizations won’t call, email, or text to ask for your personal information, like your Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers.

If you get an email or text message from a company you do business with and you think it’s real, it’s still best not to click on any links. 

Instead, contact them using a website you know is trustworthy. Or look up their phone number. Don’t call a number they gave you or the number from your caller ID.

Resist the pressure to act immediately. Honest businesses will give you time to make a decision. Anyone who pressures you to pay or give them your personal information is a scammer.

Know how scammers tell you to pay. Never pay someone who insists that you can only pay with cryptocurrency, a wire transfer service like Western Union or MoneyGram, a payment app, or a gift card. And never deposit a check and send money back to someone.

Stop and talk to someone you trust. Before you do anything else, tell someone — a friend, a family member, a neighbor — what happened. Talking about it could help you realize it’s a scam.

Report Scams to the FTC

If you were scammed or think you saw a scam, tell the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

—Federal Trade Commission


Feeding wildlife is illegal

Feeding wildlife is illegal in California. Section 251.1 of the California Fish and Game Code states that feeding a wild animal can be considered animal harassment. People can be fined up to $1,000 for feeding a squirrel in California.

Feeding wildlife can not only cause issues with bringing unwanted wildlife and stray animals into residential communities, doing so is illegal in the state of California. Feeding wildlife, either directly or indirectly, can be a death sentence for wild animals that become reliant on unnatural food sources. 

Wild animals being fed by human interaction can lose their fear of people, which leaves humans at risk of being bitten and suffering substantial injury. Additionally, many beloved family pets have been the unintended victims of feeding wildlife when taken by larger predators being drawn to unnatural food sources. These situations may also result in an encouraged rodent population, as well as insect infestation. 

In compliance with California Code 251.1, Harassment of Animals, and in compliance with GRF Policy 7590.G, people must follow these limitations on wildlife interactions in Leisure World:

1. Do not feed any non-domesticated animal on Mutual property.

2. Pet food and standing water sources are prohibited on patios, in carport areas and in gardens.

3. Domesticated pets to include caged birds may not be kept on patios, excluding Mutual 4.

4. Trash and garbage, whether contained or not, may not be left outside of the unit at any time.

5. Bird feeders with bird seed of any type are not allowed at the unit or anywhere on Mutual property including hanging from trees or other support devices. (Mutuals 1 and 4 allow bird feeders.)

6. A hummingbird-type feeder with liquid food is permitted at a unit but not on common area Mutual property including hanging from trees or other support devices. 

In Mutuals 4 and 7, pet food and water sources are prohibited on open patios and in carport areas.


2023 GRF Paving Project

The 2023 GRF Paving Project will continue on Aug. 21 with the paving of four more streets, including Interlachen Road, South Fairfield Lane, St. Andrews (outside of the gate) and Kenwood Road.

Pedestrians and drivers should proceed with caution and adhere to traffic controls.


Member Column

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

by Grace Kim

LW contributor

I came across an article in recent months about a large scale survey from 181 countries indicating that Millennials do care deeply about global issues and are determined to tackle them. 

When asked who should be trusted to fix the issue of global climate change and environmental destruction, Millennials answered “international organizations and themselves.” They are keenly aware that their commitment and action are required for the survival of this beautiful  and fragile planet and for future generations. The most precious and generous gift of life is from our God, the creator of all beings and all things!

There is abundant scientific evidence that the Earth is warming at an abnormal rate and the destruction of our natural environment is already in process. 

It made me reflect deeply upon my own understanding of climate change and environmental destruction. Most importantly, I struggled with the critical question: Individually and collectively, what are we doing to help address this critical issue for younger generations as their elders and role models? A wise Native American saying came to mind: “Consider what you do today in terms of how it will affect our offspring seven generations hence.” 

God has given us this amazing planet, the only home we have and know of in the universe. It is our privilege and responsibility to take care of it  for our future generations to survive and thrive beyond our wildest imagination.

Polystyrene foam, also known by its trade name Styrofoam, has become an accepted everyday product. Studies show that it is harmful to the environment.  It is not biodegradable, taking 500 years or more for it to be broken down. 

Hydrofluorocarbons used in the production of Styrofoam and 57 harmful chemical byproducts released during its production pollute air and are linked to serious negative health impacts. 

When polystyrene is consumed by fish, humans who eat the fish can experience toxic effects.  

Microwaving polystyrenecauses the release of toxic chemicals, posing a threat to health. 

There are health hazards for people working in the production of this material. Polystyrene is a major pollutant of oceans, bays and other water resources. And, the production of polystyrene is energy intensive, creating large amount of greenhouse gases.

Although there are many things  we can do to contribute to this fight to help save our planet, I thought that we can together take that very first single step of a grand journey of a 1,000 miles. I would like to propose that we start bringing our own cups from home to use at our clubs and fellowship meetings  instead of using polystyrene cups. 

As my full-of-life, enthusiastic, ever- optimistic 7-year-old great-grandniece often says, “I know we can do it!” 


Member Column

Thank you for the memories

by Mike Levitt

LW contributor

Since the news broke that “the Levitts are leaving,” Gail and I have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of sad farewells and expressions of our loving friendships, going-way parties, gifts, tears and hugs from all.

We have a lot of memories from a quarter-century of LW life but nothing compared to the sincerity of your parting wishes.

Thank you, thank you all, for being our friends, fellow club members, directors, officers, mini-farmers, RVers, wine lovers, Red Hatters, Legionaires and so much more.

We are going to miss you, all of you.  

 But, hey, its Beaumont, California, not Beaumont, Texas.  We’re not that far from here. If you are headed to the Palm Springs area, then you’re headed to Beaumont, and you have to pass by us.  

So stop on by. There’ll be wine in the cabinet and beer in the fridge.

Oh, and a shady spot in the backyard.

You do remember what a back yard is, don’t you? 

Sadie barked good-bye also.


Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters can have a maximum 200 words, should be typed and delivered to LW Weekly by email (preferred), regular mail or hand-delivered. Letters must be of general interest to the community and may contain opinions, suggestions, compliments, and complaints without being scurrilous, libelous, defamatory, repetitive or otherwise inappropriate. The names of individual employees, titles and/or departments will not be permitted in letters that could adversely impact any Golden Rain Foundation employee directly or indirectly.



Free shuttle for LW residents

The Senior Shuttle Service of Seal Beach is a free 20-passenger shuttle that runs on a fixed route including Seal Beach Pier/Old Town area, Leisure World, and Rossmoor Shopping Center/North Seal Beach Community Center. This shuttle can accommodate wheelchairs and scooters, and hold two bikes.

 To register, submit the following to the City of Seal Beach recreation coordinator Anthony Nguyen by email or in-person.

• An application that can be found on www.sealbeachca.gov/Departments/Community-Services-Recreation/Senior-Services. 

• Proof of Seal Beach residency and date of birth.

To use this free shuttle, people must be residents of Seal Beach; 60 years or older; pre-registered with the City of Seal Beach; and have their SMP ID number available for the driver. This number is assigned upon registration with a turnaround time of three business days after submittal of application.

For more information, call Robann Arshat, GRF member resources liaison at 562-431-6586, ext. 317, or email robertaa@lwsb.com.


Mutual Meetings Schedule

Mutual residents are invited to attend the open meetings of their Mutual boards. The following is a tentative schedule. 

Thurs., Aug. 17 Mutual 2

Conference Room B/Zoom 9 a.m.

Thurs., Aug. 17 Mutual 11

Conference Room B/Zoom 1:30 p.m.

Mon., Aug. 21 Mutual 15

Conference Room B/Zoom 1 p.m.

Wed., Aug. 23 Mutual 10 

Conference Room B/Zoom 9 a.m.

Thurs., Aug. 24 Mutual 1

Conference Room B/Zoom 9 a.m.

Fri., Aug. 25 Mutual 6

Conference Room B/Zoom 10 a.m.

Mon., Aug. 28 Mutual 8

Conference Room B/Zoom 9 a.m.

Tues., Sept. 5 Mutual 17

Conference Room B/Zoom 1:30 p.m.

Wed., Sept. 6 Presidents’ Council 

Clubhouse 4/Zoom 1:30 p.m.

Fri., Sept. 8 Mutual 3

Conference Room B/Zoom 9 a.m.

Mon., Sept. 11 Mutual 9

Conference Room B/Zoom 9 a.m.

Tues., Sept. 12 Mutual 16

Conference Room B/Zoom 1 p.m.

Wed., Sept. 13 Mutual 4 (open forum 8:30 a.m.)

Conference Room B/Zoom 8:45 a.m.


GRF Meetings

Golden Rain Foundation committee and board meetings are open to Leisure World residents. The following is a tentative schedule. 

Tues., Aug. 22 GRF Board Meeting

Clubhouse 4/virtual 10 a.m.

Thurs., Aug. 24 GRF Board Executive Session

Conference Room A 1 p.m.

Tues., Sept. 5 Facilities Committee Meeting

Conference Room A/virtual 10 a.m.

Thurs., Sept. 7 Operation Committee Meeting

Conference Room A/virtual 10 a.m.

Tues., Sept. 12 Member Services Committee Meeting

Conference Room A/virtual 10 a.m.

Thurs., Sept. 14 Administration Committee Meeting

Conference Room A/virtual 10 a.m.

A quorum or more of the directors may be present, only to listen and observe, and no formal board action will be taken at committee meetings. Attendees will be provided an opportunity to address the committee.


Public Comments at GRF Meetings

The Open Meeting Act requires boards of directors to establish reasonable time limits for speakers to address the GRF Board of Directors. (Civ. Code §4925(b).) Time limits are four minutes per speaker for 15 or fewer speakers; three minutes per speaker for 16-25 speakers; and two minutes per speaker, more than 26 speakers.

To address the board, submit a comment card at the meeting prior to it being called to order. You may email correspondence to executive coordinator at grfboardaction@lwsb.com.



Community Church

People are often challenged by the words of Jesus as contained in the Scriptures of the Bible. Perhaps most so this week, as Community Church studies a passage in the bible where Jesus says to his followers that eating with dirty hands doesn’t matter.  In light of the recent pandemic and the ongoing instruction to regularly wash hands, especially before eating, what are people to make of these strange words of Jesus? Pastor Johan Dodge will go over this passage on Sunday, Aug. 20, at 9:50 a.m. in the church sanctuary, located at 14000 Church Place.

Those who have been made to feel less welcome are welcome with open arms at Community Church’s services.

People can also join the service on Facebook at @CommunityChurchLeisureWorld and on Zoom. Contact the church office for the Zoom link.  

Those who are in need without another way to address that need may call the church office to leave a message at 562-431-2503.


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Meetings for the Atherton Ward are held at 6500 E. Atherton St., in Long Beach.  The sacrament service is held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m., followed in the second hour by Sunday School on the first and third Sundays, and Relief Society and Elders Quorum on the second and fourth Sundays. Primary classes for children are held every Sunday during the second hour. Members who are unable to attend Sacrament services in person can request a link from Bishop Mike Gravley at 562-212-8641.

The reading source for this year is the New Testament. The reading assignment for the week of Aug. 21-27 is 1 Corinthians 1-1 7.   

The devotional “Come, Follow Me” says “During the months that Paul spent in Corinth, ‘many of the Corinthians hearing him believed, and were baptized.’ So it must have been heartbreaking for Paul to hear, just a few years later, that there were divisions and  contentions among the Corinthian saints and that in his absence they began to heed the ‘wisdom of this world.’ In response, Paul wrote the letter we now call 1 Corinthians.”


Faith Christian Assembly

Grief Share was the centerpiece of Faith Christian Assembly’s Ministry Emphasis Night.  Those in attendance heard from leaders Rupert and Addie Penner, who shared their own powerful stories. Program alumna Naomi Reed moved listeners as she shared her experience. Reed said that the group “has been instrumental in helping me navigate the difficult path of grief following the passing of my husband of 38 years.” 

She provided insight to her experience through her testimony during which she also said:“When I first attended Grief Share, I was very apprehensive, the weight of my loss felt unbearable and I was uncertain if I would find solace or understanding within a group setting with people I didn’t know. However, from the first meeting I was warmly welcomed and impressed by the members of the group, especially Addie and Rupert.

“One aspect of Grief Share that truly stood out to me was the absence of pressure to speak if I didn’t feel ready, no pressure to put on a brave face when all I wanted to do was weep, and no pressure to conform to any particular timeline of healing. The approach allowed me the freedom to process my grief at my own pace knowing that I had a safe and supportive environment to lean on until I felt ready.

“I am discovering a renewed sense of purpose. Grief Share is a testament to the love and compassion that exists in the church and I am grateful for the impact that it has had on my healing journey.”

Grief Share is currently in session at Faith Christian Assembly and is open for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in the Garden Room. People may join at any time. For more information, call 562-598-9010.

Sunday service times are 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., with pre-service prayer beginning at 5. The midweek Bible study is  held each Wednesday at 11 a.m. The church is located on the corner of St. Andrews Drive and Seal Beach Boulevard. To receive a free newsletter or more information on the church, call 562-598-9010 or visit the website at www.FCAchurch.net. 


LW Baptist

Prayer is a big item at LW Baptist Church because everybody needs to pray, and Christians are to pray for one another and for others in their circles of relationships. But what specifically should believers pray for? LW Baptist will discuss this on Sunday, Aug. 20, at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4. Christ wanted his disciples to know how to pray and his timeless instruction is found in the Lord’s prayer.

For more information, call 562-430-8598.


First Christian Church

First Christian Church of Leisure World teaches from the Holy Bible verse by verse.  It is a friendly church that welcomes all visitors to join and explore God’s word together “that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” Romans 1:12.

Pastor’s Message

This week, Pastor Gary Whitlatch will share from Colossians 3:1-11. He will discuss the mindset of the saints and faithful brethren in Christ. In verses 1-2 the Apostle Paul wrote, “to keep seeking the things above, where Christ is. Be intent on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” 

 A believer puts on the new self and is renewed through the true knowledge according to the one who created him. Pastor Gary will examine differences of the old self and the new inner man in Colossians 3 and examine the benefit of this true knowledge for the church body.    

  Weekend Services

Sunday services are traditional from 9:30-10:45 a.m. with hymnal music led by Janet Ray and Pat Kogak at the piano. This week Ray will sing a solo hymn.   

Saturday services are  more contemporary with Gregory Black leading worship with guitar accompaniment. The service is held from 9:30-10:45 a.m.                                                                                                                               

Midweek Studies 

The women’s Bible study, led by Melli Herrera is held on Mondays from 10:30-11:30 a.m.  

Pastor Gary Whitlatch leads the Tuesday Bible study group from 9:30-10:30 a.m. 

The Thursday Bible study group, led by Pastor Bruce Humes, meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Pastor Humes also leads the  prayer and Bible study group on Fridays from 6-7 p.m.

All Leisure World residents are welcome to attend the above services and Bible studies.  

Scripture of the Week

“We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son, Jesus Christ”  1 John 5:19 .


First Christian Church is located on Northwood Road behind Carport 125. 

For more information, call 562-431-8810. The call will be returned at the earliest opportunity.


Assembly of God

There is a lot of talk about pride in contemporary culture.  As defined by society, pride is a sense of self-worth or satisfaction stemming from personal accomplishment or identity, a generally positive attribute.  However, pride, when out of balance, inflates to self-importance, smugness, arrogance and egotism.  The big “I” blinds the spiritual eye of the unduly proud. 

Pastor Chuck Franco will continue Assembly of God’s  series  titled “The Emotions that Blind Us: Pride” this Sunday, Aug. 20.

Assembly of God’s Wednesday Bible study, “The Ten Commandments,” is an interactive session, beginning with a short video teaching by Albert Tate, leading to discussion and student input, moderated by Pastor Chuck.  The “Thou Shalt Nots” are revealed not as restrictions, but as directions for Christians to lead full, abundant lives, free from the consequences of sin.  

Leisure World Assembly of God meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Wednesday Bible study is held at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2.  The Hymn Sing is held on the fourth Sunday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby.  

More information can be found at www.lwassemblyofgod.com, and on Facebook at the Leisure World Assembly of God Church page, where people can catch up on past sermons. 

For more information, contact the church office at 562-357-4360, or pastorchuck@lwassemblyofgod.com.


Congregation Sholom

Congregation Sholom will hold services with Rabbi Eric Dangott via Zoom on Friday Aug. 18, at 6:30 p.m. 

Rabbi Mike Mymon will lead the hybrid service on Saturday, Aug. 19, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, and  via Zoom at 10 a.m. 

Saturday’s Torah reading will be Shoftim  from the book of Deuteronomy. Shoftim (Judges) discusses guidelines of leadership, opening with a command to appoint judges and continuing to detail laws of kings, priests, and prophets. It also describes laws relating to cities of refuge for accidental killers, false witnesses, warfare, and the rite performed in a case of unsolved murder. 

To receive a Zoom invitation,  contact Jeff Sacks at 714-642-0122.

Michele Vallens will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah during services on Saturday, Aug. 26.

Congregation Sholom  has been serving Leisure World since 1962. It offers a traditional Jewish service  in person and online.

Those who want become a member of Congregation Sholom should call Howard Bass at 714-396-0121 for a membership packet.  


Buddha Circle

Buddha Circle will meet on Saturday, Sept. 2, in Clubhouse 3, Room 1, with Ven. Kusala from 9:30-11 a.m.

Ven. Kusala is well known in the Buddhist community. He presents Buddhism in simple ways, teaching people how to suffer less and become happier. 

For more information,  contact 714-468-6887.


Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev with Rabbi Galit-Shirah conducts online livestream Shabbat services every Friday at 5 p.m. To join the “Zoomagogue” and its interactive service, join the Zoom link at http://bit.ly/3qwK6U9or join on Facebook at  www.facebook.com/galityomtov or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@beithalevlive8816/streams. 

Shoftim (Judges) is the name of this week’s Torah reading, from Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9.  Moses teaches that the judicial system shall be impartial. Judges must not be biased toward the religious or the political aspects of government. This became a blueprint for constitutional government. 

All Beit HaLev services include its brand new special prayerbooks “Lev L’Lev,” onscreen which include excerpts from the Reform Siddur “Mishkan HaT’filah.” Beit HaLev and Rabbi Galit-Shirah are affiliated with the Union of Jewish Universalist Communities and Clergy and the International Federation of Rabbis. It is progressive in thought and traditional in liturgy. 

To join Beit HaLev, call  562-715-0888 or email duets@icloud.com. Contributions may be sent to: Beit HaLev, P.O. Box 2279, Seal Beach, CA 90740.



Korean American Association

Celebrate Korean Night in the Amphitheater

On Saturday, Aug. 19, the  Korean American Association (KAA) will  host a Korean Night in the Amphitheater at 8 p.m. 

This 90-minute event will feature various talents from the KAA members to share with the rest of the community. It will open with Samulnori, the Korean percussion ensemble with four instruments, playing a Korean traditional folk song.  Also featured will be an autoharp instrumentalist, the LW Saxophone Club, a flowering step line dance group, a Korean traditional classic dance, LW’s Sing Along Club, a saxophone solo, and  the 70-member Korean American Chorale. 

There will be a surprise final number that will make everyone feel like friends. People  are encouraged to sing along.

All LWers and their guests are invited to this outdoor event, where residents  can enjoy ocean breezes while watching the performance. Keep in mind that it gets cool once the sun goes down, so a blanket or coat is recommended.

The Korean American Association would like to thank those who are sponsoring the event make it possible to host a performance in the Amphitheater. The sponsors are Anthem, Clever Care, Seoul Medical Group, Korean American Medical Group and Senior Medicare Doctor’s Group. 

The sponsors will greet people at the entrance of the Amphitheater before the performance begins to hand out promotional or appreciation items. 

For more information, call 714-713-0167


Los Alamitos Recreation 

Join the Senior Expo on Aug. 23

The Los Alamitos Recreation and Community Services Department is excited to host its inaugural MemorialCare Elevate Encore Senior Expo. This first-time event for those ages 50-plus is designed to provide health, wellness and resources for seniors in areas such as: housing, legal resources, insurance, medical assistance, transportation, caregiving resources, leisure activities and more. 

Additionally, a portion of the fair is designated as a senior volunteer fair, with an opportunity for nonprofit organizations seeking older or retired adults as volunteers. This event is completely free and will be held at the Los Alamitos Community Center, 10911 Oak St.,  on Wednesday, Aug. 23, from 10 a.m.-noon. A light breakfast will be provided along with special giveaway lunch coolers for the first 100 in attendance. A wide variety of door prizes will be raffled off as well.

For more information, visit www.cityoflosalamitos.org/recreation or call 562-430-1073.

Concerned Shareholders

The August meeting for the Concerned Shareholders meeting is canceled. 


Get tickets to ‘50s tribute before they sell out

The Woman’s Club of Leisure World fundraiser, “Fabulous Fifties Tribute to the Platters,” is almost sold out. 

Tickets includes an Italian catered luncheon, dessert, beverage, raffles and entertainment by the Platters Live. 

The original Platters recorded hits that are still loved today, featured will be  “Only You,” “My Guy,” “The Great Pretender,” “My Prayer,” “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” and many more. Elmer Armstrong, who heads the group, sang with one of the original Platters. 

The dress code for the event is casual, poodle skirts, bobby socks, saddle shoes and the color pink are fun but not necessary.

The fundraiser and performance will be held at noon on Saturday, Sept. 16, in Clubhouse 2. Tickets, $35, can be purchased by calling 714-742-8362.

—Beth Greeley


Donate to the Seal Beach Animal Shelter on Sept. 7 and win

The Seal Beach Animal Care Center (SBACC) will have three tables available at the Thursday, Sept. 7, Stone Soul Amphitheater show to collect cash and materials for the shelter.

Volunteers from both the SBACC and LW’s Paws, Claws, and Beaks Club will be at the entrances from 6-8 p.m. collecting donations. All those who contribute a donation will be eligible to win a $25 gift card to Target, Home Goods or California Pizza Kitchen.

Volunteers will accept cash that will go toward vet bills or specific dog, cat and shelter items, such as:

Animal-related: Bedding, blankets, quilts, comforters, and throws.

Office: Ziplock food storage bags (quart and gallon size) 8-ounce disposable drinking cups,  trash bags ( 45-, 39-, 33- and 13-gallon), paper towels, bathroom tissue, hand sanitizer, photo paper (Canon SELPHY #KP108IN) 4X6 inch photo paper for ink jet printers,toner cartridges (TN 880), copy paper (white and bright colors)  and postage stamps.

Gift cards: Pet supply and home improvement stores.

Towels: Bath, wash cloths, and dish cloths.

Adult wet cat food: Friskies shreds or pate (all flavors).  

Adult dry cat food: Purina sensitive skin and stomach. 

Kitten wet food: Fancy Feast kitten.

Kitten dry food: Purina One Kitten.

Adult dog wet food: Science Diet (chicken flavor). 

Adult dog dry food: Science Diet (small and large bites).

Cat and dog toys: Any toys without pellets or other small particles inside.

General cat items: Litter boxes, cat carriers, crates, cat trees, and pee pads for kittens.

General Dog items: dog beds (all sizes), pee pads.

All proceeds go toward feeding, housing, and caring for the dogs and cats at this no kill, nonprofit shelter.


Democratic Club

by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 23,  in Clubhouse 3, Room 9.  People can also join the meeting online or by phone.  Email sblwdemocraticclub@gmail.com to receive the Zoom login information.  The meeting will feature a Zoom presentation by Rep. Katie Porter, who is a candidate for the U.S. Senate to replace Dianne Feinstein.  

Porter graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School and has taught law at several universities.   She has served in the House of Representatives since 2019, having been first elected to represent the 45th Congressional District. She is now well known to many members of the community, having been the Leisure World District 47 representative in Congress since her re-election in 2022.

Throughout her career, Porter has built a reputation as a consumer protection advocate.  In recent years, her grilling of corporate executives and administration offices by use of a white board has gained her a national reputation.

Cypress City Councilmember Frances Marquez, candidate for the Orange County Board of Supervisors, will meet in person with club members during the Sept. 27 meeting.

Club members are reminded that a limited number of free tickets are now available to attend the Democratic Party of Orange County’s convention at the Anaheim Hilton Hotel on Saturday, Sept. 9. The event is designed for democratic voters, activists and interested citizens.  Email mlarson.telfords@gmail.com or call 562-296-8521 for more information or to reserve a ticket.

The club’s information and registration booth is open on the first Tuesday of the month from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse 6 parking lot.  Democrats and potential supporters are invited to stop by the booth to get more information about the club or to register to vote.

The club’s “Get Out the Vote” taskforce is looking for volunteers interested in being a part of the new neighbor-to-neighbor outreach effort. Call  805-588-5141 or email kmoran97@yahoo.com for more information.

All LW Democratic Club members and supporters can subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter. This free semi-monthly publication covers more in-depth reporting on issues and candidates. Email  mlarson.telfords@gmail.com or call 562-296-8521 to sign up.   It is important to include full contact information, as well as party affiliation in the email.


Sunshine Club

Learn how SunTerra provides healthy meal plans to seniors

Steve Brazeel from SunTerra will speak to the Sunshine Club about his company’s with Farmer to Family program, which provides healthy food boxes,  on Friday, Aug. 18, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2,.

Founded in 2000, SunTerra is an Orange County-based, minority-owned grower and distributor of fresh fruits and vegetables.Their distribution centers in central and Southern California allow quick delivery to the west coast and mountain west regions. 

SunTerra’s Food Box Project, a Farmers to Families program, has delivered 4.5 million boxes (85 million pounds and 70 million meals) to communities nationwide.  It works closely with farmers to source product that may not be harvested due to variable market conditions—reducing the amount of food waste. Its unique sourcing model lowers cost by eliminating redundant packaging. 

Farmers utilize climate-smart practices like replacing synthetic fertilizers with biological solutions to impact GHG emission. SunTerra believes every American family has a right to fresh farm bounty, and packs only quality fresh fruits and vegetables. By responsibly sourcing product, it reduces both food miles and  carbon emissions. 

SunTerra’s  boxes provide variety and seasonality for a healthy mix of food. SunTerra’s facility and  packing lines are custom-built for fresh produce packing to deliver tailored meals from soil to fork.

All residents are welcome to join the meeting. The Sunshine Club requires no membership fees, but donations are welcome. 

The club asks people to arrive promptly; those who are late to the meeting are asked to use the backdoor quietly so as not to disturb the presentation.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at 562-301-5339.  


American Legion Post

Join the picnic on Sept. 4

The American Legion Post will host its annual picnic on Monday, Sept. 4, at noon in the picnic area near Clubhouse 1.  All Post and Auxiliary members are welcome to attend.  Cmdr.  Rich Carson looks forward to kicking off the new club year with a successful picnic.  

The Post will provide main dish and drinks.  Auxiliary members are asked to bring a salad or dessert.

RSVP to Cmdr. Carson at 714-719-6872 before  Monday, Aug. 28.


American Legion  Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary President Carolyn van Aalst reminds members to mark Sept. 18 on their calendar for the first meeting of the fall season. A special speaker who works with the Marines in 29 Palms will be at the meeting. Members are also reminded to send their dues  of  $35 to ALA Unit 327 to Dianne Hart. Her address is in the roster.


GAF Board Meeting

The Golden Age Foundation will have its monthly board meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 1 p.m. in the GRF Conference Room B.


Japanese American Club

The Japanese American Club will meet on Friday, Aug. 18, at 11 a.m. in the Clubhouse 1 picnic area. There will be a  bento box lunch, with watermelon and birthday cake available for $10 for members and $12 for non-members. 

The speaker will be Dr. Duk Park, retired M.D., who will share his point of view for seniors living independently in LW, including how they  can survive the summer heat. He will leave time in his presentation for questions. 

All residents are welcome to purchase lunch boxes by calling in advance. For more information about the club or meeting, call Sherie Vanek at 714-916-6313.


Kay Matthews of Mutual 2 is low on her supply of yarn and is requesting donations of yarn or cash. Since 2013, Matthews has knitted over 100 caps and scarves each year for the homeless in the Long Beach area. The caps are picked up and distributed by the Christian Outreach Association and given to those in need. Contact Matthews at 562-598-1079. Yarn may be dropped off at her unit in Mutual 2, 53-H or she can pick it up.



Carolee Windsor


Carolee Windsor passed away peacefully on July 5, 2023, at St. Mary’s Hospital surrounded by her family.

Carolee was born on May 15, 1936, in Long Beach, California. She lived her entire life in Southern California and moved to Leisure World in 2015. 

Carolee loved attending the theater, traveling and visited much of the world in her retirement. She loved to play bridge with her local club, was involved with Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Dramatic Allied Arts Guild. 

Her greatest love was her three children, eight grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Her love and impact in these lives is immeasurable. She will be greatly missed by family, neighbors and a multitude of friends.


In memoriam

Casimir (Casey) Buldan

Casimir (Casey) Buldan passed away on July 31, 2023, at the age of 86. He lived in Mutual 15. He leaves behind his wife, Betty Buldan.

In Memoriam

Thomas Bradley III 71

Guy Dartnell 59

Davi Garcia 82

Debra Martinez 56

Lawrence Murray 75

John Morrison Jr 79

Michael Negrete 81

Richard Rosser 68

Wendell Frank 62

Victoriano Rivera Pinon 60

Katherine Reed 65

Alexander McKaughan 65

Rafael Ayala 60

Dennis Archuleta 75

Cynthia Doorn 65

Kevin Hardy 63

Michael Humphries 67

Kenneth Underwood 75

Philip Denino 80

Mary Hastings 90

Richard Jones 72

Marl Trejo 61

Loretta Searle 75

Floyd Redner 92

Alberto Navarro 65

Melvin Johnson 67

Kenneth Fratto 80

Virgelio Buensuceso 91

George Chelak 87

Daryll Chenoweth 73

Everette Harbin 82

Marhorie Haddox 73

Edward Erickson 71

Jay Hagey 87

Patricia Knoph 92

Families Assisted by 

McKenzie Mortuary,


—paid obituary



Video Producers Club

The Video Producers Club welcomes new members who may be interested in video shooting and editing. For more information or to ask questions, come to the top floor of the Amphitheater every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m.-noon.

To make a Monday appointment with club vice president Joe Osuna, email joosuna@gmail.com. To make a Wednesday appointment regarding iPhones or iPads, call Cristina Vegas at 562-279-4657 or email cvegas45@icloud.com. To make a Friday appointment with Owen Hughes about video editing, email cre8vid@yahoo.com. Zoom meetings are once a week on Thursdays from 10-11 a.m. The club holds monthly in-person meetings on the last Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 2.


Silver Fox Classic Car Club

The Silver Fox Classic Car Club meets on the second Tuesdays of each month in Clubhouse 3, Room 5, at 6 p.m. The car club is an integral part of Leisure World’s July 4 event. People don’t have to own a vintage, classic or collectible vehicle to join or participate in the club’s activities, just a passion for cars.


Join free computer basics class

North Orange County Continuing Education (NOCE) is offering a free, six-week computer basics class. The class will meet in the Learning Center in Clubhouse 3 each Friday from 9:30-11:20 a.m. beginning Aug. 28.

This class is designed for those with little experience using computers and those who want to build their confidence in using computers. Students will build computer technology understanding and make themselves better consumers of computers and computer products. The class will also explore operation systems, software and hardware.

Those interested in taking this class should visit the LW library to register. Existing NOCE students can register for the class on myGateway with CRN 52030.


Hula classes held on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Hui O Hula, LW’s Hawaiian dance club, welcomes anyone who is interested in learning the hula. Lessons are given upstairs in Clubhouse 6 on Tuesdays and at Veterans Plaza (or inside Clubhouse 3) on Thursdays. Both classes start at 1 p.m. 

The Hawaiian dance is mostly accompanied by song and Western-influenced musical instruments. Many hand motions are used to represent the words in a song. The movements can signify aspects of nature, such as the swaying of a tree in the breeze, a wave in the ocean, or a feeling or emotion such as fondness or yearning. 

Anyone can learn to hula, even in a chair, which is called hula “noho,” which means sit. People should wear comfortable mu’umu’u (long dresses) and bring soft booties or prepare to dance barefoot. August is busy with hula performances. 

For more information, contact Jojo Weingart at 562-252-9676 or email Jojo@huiohula.com.


Repot orchids at upcoming workshop

The South Coast Orchid Society will host a hands-on workshop on “Orchid Culture and Repotting” on Monday, Aug. 28, at 7 p.m. at the Whaley Park Community Center, 5620 E. Atherton St. in Long Beach. A big part of successful orchid growing is keeping their roots happy, and that means knowing when they need to be repotted, and how to go about it. 

At the meeting, experts will first evaluate plants brought in by members and visitors to see if they are good candidates for repotting (no more than one or two healthy and bug-free plants per person, no larger than one gallon pot size). 

This will be a great opportunity to handle different kinds of potting media, and learn why they are used. A fee of $5 per person will help defray the cost of supplies. People may want to bring their own gloves and cutting tools. The event is open to the public.

For more information, email first vice president John McCoy at realmac@aol.com.


LW Orchestra offers free cookies

Thanks to the generosity of first cello Margie Masterson, the Leisure World Community Orchestra will provide a free homemade musical cookie to the first 30 people who come to the Amphitheater for the orchestra’s brief “End of Summer Pop Concert.”

The concert will be held Tuesday, Aug. 29 at the Amphitheater. Doors open at 1 p.m. 

Trying something new, many of the regular orchestra members and conductor Dr. Sam Kim have been working through the summer. New pieces like “Gershwin by George” will be featured, along with some favorite tunes from the past, including a suite of Steven Foster melodies, “Londonderry Air” (Danny Boy), “Buglers Holiday” and more.

The orchestra continues to expand and is always interested in new players. To join, call or message Chris Gruber at 562-884-5763 or email chris.p.gruber@gmail.com.


Tickets on sale for LB Symphony

Tickets are on sale for the Long Beach Symphony’s next series of five classical music concerts, which begin on Oct. 21 and end June 1, 2024. 

For more information about the concerts, call the LWSB ticket sale and bus hostess Lucy Poropat at 323-646-9290. She can provide details on concert dates, group fees (20% discount) and round trip bus tickets for LWers who want to sit together. People can also call the Long Beach Symphony box office at 562-436-3203. 

Single concert tickets, or tickets for other seat locations, are available at the box office and online at LongBeachSymphony.org.

Bus tickets will also be sold at the bus loading location near the Amphitheater starting at 5:15 p.m. each symphony night. The cost is $20 per round trip, payable by exact cash or personal check made out to the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra. The bus will leave promptly at 6 p.m. to arrive for the 7 p.m. pre-concert talk by Maestro Eckart Preu. These talks often include the soloist of the night as well. 

For more information, call LWSB bus hostess Beverly Emus at 562-296-5586.


Lapidary Club

The Lapidary Club meets in the Lapidary Room in Clubhouse 4, Mondays-Fridays from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-noon. Beginners are welcome.


Travel Diary: Three national parks and the Santa Barbara Museum

by Dorothy Ferrington

LW contributor

“You had to be there!” This old cliché perfectly describes this vacation story I’m about to tell you. Since it was Friday, May 13, I’m calling it Freaky Friday. I like the sound of that. It will make sense to you as I tell you our experience.

Ray and I had just returned from a 4,000-mile road trip, visiting three national parks in Texas and Utah, with a few days stopover in Waxahachie, Texas, visiting family. We were happy travelers, but exhausted when we returned home after two weeks of travel. After ending that trip, I was in no mood for additional mileage. But our travel wasn’t done yet. Something beckoned me.

The Santa Barbara Museum had an exhibit that was advertised in the Los Angeles Times. Beginning Feb. 27 and running through May 22, the museum was displaying “Through Vincent’s Eyes: Van Gogh and his Sources.” 

My commitment to see this exhibit included a three-hour drive from Seal Beach to Santa Barbara. We had no set time to arrive and managed to miss the morning traffic. After Ventura, the south side of the freeway opens to the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. There is nothing like the California coastline to make your day better. It turned out to be in the mid-70s and, weather wise, a perfect day to travel.

When we arrived at the box office around noontime, it seemed everyone had gone to lunch. We were able to gain easy access to the exhibit rooms, without the ever-present large crowds.

My museum exhibit behavior is to go from painting to painting, description to description, backing away from each painting for a wide view and stepping closer to see a detailed view, trying not to miss anything. 

In this painstaking manner, I am guessing it took me two hours to view over 100 works from 25 museums. Only later after returning home would I savor the exhibit from memory. I think now is the time to tell you that my use of the word painstaking takes on another meaning. Within a few months, I would be diagnosed with bone-on-bone osteoarthritis in my right hip and scheduled for replacement surgery.

As I finished up the exhibit, let me make a point. I am not doing senior belly aching here. I was in real pain. Ray was in the same shape, but I think he called his sciatica. Okay! Whatever! We kept the snarling associated with our pain at a minimum level as we traversed this exhibit.

Ray was waiting for me at the exit, looking relieved when he saw me walking towards him. “Let’s go home!” Ray said.

A quick trip to our car was the only thing we were thinking about, as we experienced a state of sympatico, hobbling toward the parking structure at the rear of the museum. As we rounded the corner, where the elevator to our Level 3 parking appeared, we saw four people approach the door, which had just opened.     Ray, with desperation in his voice, yelled “Hold That Elevator.” This command left nothing to anyone’s imagination.

In the elevator, a tall, tanned and dapper looking man in a Panama hat, wearing a summer beige linen suit stepped into the middle front. There was not one wrinkle on his suit. Abruptly,  my attention was drawn away from the man.  A tall, well-tanned, beautiful woman stepped in. Her very short hair, a highlighted blondish color, was perfectly cut. 

She was wearing a white linen jacket, also without wrinkles.  I recognized this actress immediately without any introduction. I had now adopted an ear to ear, open mouth smile that never left my face. The actress could tell I knew who she was. 

When we exited the elevator, she walked ahead of us maybe 10 feet.  As we were heading down the row where our cars were parked, we saw her husband. As she walked toward her husband, a big black SUV with darkly tinted windows rolled by us and stopped. A man leaned out the car window, “Hey, Jaimie Lee!” We continued past Christopher Guest and passed over to our car.   

This may not have been one of her “Halloween” movies but it was “Perfect.” And that’s how I met Jaimie Lee Curtis.


Grab ‘n’ Go Menu Aug. 17-23

Thursday: Domino’s Pizza at Clubhouse 6—Call ahead at 562-493-2212 for special orders, wings and salads from 3:30-7 p.m. Cash and cards are accepted. 

Thursday Nights: Koffel’s Taco Truck and Mandi’s Candies at the Amphitheater—Dine al fresco before the Elvis tribute Amphitheater show from 5-7 p.m.

Monday: Berlin Truck at Clubhouse 6—Enjoy gourmet sausages, grilled cheese and more from 4-6 p.m. Only cards are accepted.

Tuesday: Taco Tuesday at Clubhouse 6—Enjoy Mexican favorites plus hot dogs, burgers and fries from 5-7 p.m. Cash and cards are accepted. No preorders are allowed. 

Wednesday: Burning Buns Food Truck at Clubhouse 6—
Enjoy burgers and sandwiches from 4-6 p.m. See the full menu online by visiting burningbuns.com/menu/. Cash and cards are accepted.

On call bus service is available from 4:30 p.m.; regular service before 4:30 p.m.; and weekends on-call any time. Call a ride at 562-431-6586, ext. 379.

Vendors are subject to change. Watch LW Live for updates. 

Sign up for notifications at www.lwsb.com/lw-live-sign-up/.

To ask questions or give feedback, email kathyt@lwsb.com.


2023 Amphitheater Season Schedule

The 2023 Amphitheater music festival will run until Sept.14, with a 12-show lineup promising an eclectic mix of country, rock, pop, soul and blues tribute performers at the 2,500-seat Amphitheater. 

Shows start at 7:30 p.m. The schedule is subject to change. 

Non-resident guests must be accompanied by a resident. Smoking is not permitted at the Amphitheater, which is located behind the LW News Office in the GRF Administration complex.

No parking is allowed in front of the Amphitheater on St. Andrews Drive along the southbound lanes. This is a tow-away zone on Thursdays during Amphitheater season. 

Minibus transportation will be available before and after shows. Food trucks will be available pre-event dining.

Aug. 17 Elvis Tribute with Matt Lewis 

Aug. 24 Always Tina—Tribute to Tina Turner

Aug. 31 Hip To Be Square—

Huey Lewis & The News Tribute

Sponsor: Optum Healthcare

Sept. 7 Stone Soul

Sponsor: Optum Healthcare

Seal Beach Animal Care Supply Drive, 6-8 p.m.

Sept. 14 Mark Wood & The Parrot Head Band

Sponsor: Optum Healthcare

Listen to LW’s big band this Sunday

The Velvetones Ballroom Dance Orchestra is Leisure World’s own professional big band, playing big band swing and jazz standards under the direction of Jeff Plum. 

The Velvetones play each month at Clubhouse 4 on the first and third Sunday evenings at 6 p.m.

The big band bound—that uniquely American combination of reeds, brass, and rhythm which defined our nation’s popular music for more than three decades—is the Velvetones signature. They pepper their repertoire with contemporary pop hits to broaden their audience. 


CDs for Seniors Club

The CDs for Seniors Club meets the third Thursdays of every even month. The next meeting will be today, Aug. 17, at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. All are welcome to join for fun and snacks. Free CDs are available.


Community Karaoke

It was another full house for the karaoke singers on Aug. 9. A harmonizing duet sung by Tonette Kadrmas and Lynne Gehrman was greatly appreciated by the audience. Susan Kelleghan and Elizabeth Butterfield had fun singing “Does He Love You.”

Carmen Edwards and Rob Illingworth sang a pleasant “A, You’re Adorable.” It can be surprising how many men enjoy singing karaoke. Vito Villamor likes gospel tunes. David Noble and Frank Miller often select strong numbers like “Ring of Fire” and “Proud Mary.” 

Ray Geierman is a showman, using lots of energy singing “Pretend.” Eric Voge likes country hits. Ren Villaneauva goes for Elvis numbers, as does Vitaly Telishevsky. 

The audience enjoys the crooning voices of Brian Tivnan, Kenny Notorleva, Bob Barnum, Don Horning, Richard Yokomi, Walt Bier and Tony Tupas.

People are welcome to join the club’s popular Monday practice sessions in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. It’s an opportunity to try out a new song or perfect another. Everyone is welcome to Wednesday night’s karaoke parties beginning at 5:30 in Clubhouse 1.

—Margie Thompson


Leisure Time Dancers

The Leisure Time Dancers hold classes on Monday afternoons in the dance studio, upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Salsa is at 2 p.m., followed by Nightclub Two-Step at 3 p.m.

No partner is necessary. The class will rotate so everyone dances. Beginners are welcome. A review of basics will be included. 

 The cost is $7 per person for one class and $11 per person for two classes in a single day. For more information, contact Leisure Time Dancers President Jackie Theis at 310-743-9373.


Amphitheater Movie Schedule

Movies will be shown on the gigantic screen at the Amphitheater on Friday nights starting at 8:30 p.m. through Sept. 8.

LW residents are invited to bring friends and family for a free movie night. The Minibus has “on call” service to movies beginning at 7:15 p.m. 

Call 562-431-6586, ext. 379, and a bus will arrive within 10 minutes. A bus is available to take residents home after the movie.

• Aug. 18—The Fabelmans: Growing up in post-World War II-era Arizona, young Sammy Fabelman aspires to become a filmmaker as he reaches adolescence. But soon he discovers a shattering family secret, which motivates him to explore how the power of films can help him see the truth.

PG-13 | 2h 31min | drama

• Aug. 25—Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: The people of Wakanda fight to protect their home from intervening world powers as they mourn the death of King T’Challa.

PG-13 | 2h 41min | action, adventure, drama

• Sept. 8—Elvis: The life of music icon Elvis Presley, from his childhood to becoming a rock and movie star in the 1950s while maintaining a complex relationship with his manager.

PG-13 | 2h 39min | biography, drama, music


Summer at the Show: Amphitheater Rules

The GRF, along with show sponsors, are proud to present the 2023 Amphitheater season. 

To ensure an enjoyable season, show-goers are asked to adhere to the following rules:

• There is no video- or audiotaping of performers.

• Do not save seats. Amphitheater seating is first-come, first-served.

• Do not sing along with performers unless asked to do so by the performer on stage.

• No one is allowed to sit or stand in the aisles. 

• No smoking is permitted in the Amphitheater area.

• Flags on scooters should be lowered, so everyone can see the stage (see LW Security for assistance with this).

• Leave walkers in the aisle.

• Handicap seating is at street level at the handrails in the middle of the Amphitheater. 

• Pets are not allowed.

• The audience is not permitted to enter the Amphitheater earlier than 1-1/2 hours before the program begins as requested by performers, who will be doing sound checks.

• Dancing is allowed only on the two side wing patios flanking the Amphitheater stage.

• No flash photography.

• No climbing over seats.


Genealogy Club

The Genealogy Club will meet Wednesday, Aug. 23, in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. All are welcome. Social time begins at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting starts at 10. 

Larry Naukam will present “Where in the World do you Think You Are?” via Zoom, which will be broadcast during the meeting. People can attend in person or online. Those attending online should sign in a few minutes before 10 a.m. by visiting rb.gy/0xu4j. 

Naukam will use maps to find historical and ancestral locations, then and now. He will present an overview and collection of sources to help find local history and family information using maps. 

Naukam holds degrees in geography, library science and divinity, and is very interested in the intersection of computers and genealogy research. With more than 30 years of public library reference work, his experience includes years in acquisitions, cataloging, the bookmobile, and his favorite: genealogy, local history and digitizing. 

He has written for Genealogy Computing, GenWeekly, and a Rochester History pamphlet on “Family History more than Genealogy”—published in 1990 by the Rochester city historian. He gives many talks each year and is currently involved with the Rochester, New York, Genealogical Society (RGS) as immediate past president, with the Digital Public Library of America, with the Church Records Preservation Committee of the RGS, and as a volunteer scanner and cataloger for various local historical societies, libraries and town historians in the state of New York.

Theme Thursdays are held weekly from 1:30-2 p.m. in the Genealogy Library. People should arrive early. Upcoming topics include: city directories on Aug. 17; using newspaper.com, Fold 3 and Family Search on Aug. 24; and an open chat on Aug. 31 where people can ask questions and share their findings. 

The Genealogy Library is open Monday-Thursday from 1-4 p.m., closed Fridays, and open on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 

The club needs volunteers and donations of computers, office chairs, mouse pads and a shredder. For more information, call club president Janet Lessin at 316-650-8509.


Art History Club now meets in CH4

Starting Thursday, Aug. 24, the Art History Club will hold its classical music appreciation meeting in Clubhouse 4 starting at 1:30 p.m. The club meets on the second and fourth Thursdays, and on the fifth Thursday if there is one.

On Aug. 24, participants will enjoy the great works of Beethoven and Rossini in The club will continue its appreciation of Beethoven in upcoming meetings. At this meeting, participants will also listen to: 

• Beethoven, “Egmont Overture” (10:03)

• Beethoven, “Piano Concerto No. 4, Mov. I” (21:03)

• Beethoven, “Violin Sonata No. 5, Mov. II” (5:40)

• Rossini, “Opera: L’Italiana in Algeri, Septet Finale” (10:22)

• Rossini, “Opera: The Barber of Seville, Overture and Arias” (17:54)

Those who love beautiful music are welcome to join. Pre-video lectures are given in Korean. However, the lectures also appear in English captions on the videos. For more information, contact  Ken Chong at 562-362-8590 or Susan Yai at 213-321-6135.


Saturday Morning Dance Class

Two dance classes are held every Saturday in Clubhouse 6, Section C. In August, Candice Davis will teach cha-cha at 9 a.m. and waltz at 10 a.m.

New topics are voted on each month. Each class costs $7 per person. Partners are not needed. For more information, contact club President William Young at 408-858-3560.

 —William Young



Tournament Poker Club

The Tournament Poker Club plays regular tournaments on the first three Saturdays of
every month in the lobby of Clubhouse 6. Registration begins at 10 a.m., along with
treats and coffee. Cards are in the air at 10:30. There is no late seating.

On Aug. 5 the Tournament Poker Club had another great tournament. Fifty-four people played on six tables. The two players with the highest hands of the day were Doug Wolfe with a A-5 straight flush of hearts; close behind was Glen Evenson with a 6666A. The promotional hand was won by Kurt Bourhene.

The final table players were Joyce Smith, first; Brent Covington, second; Kurt Bourhene, third; Lem Hall, fourth; Lee Pfeifer, fifth; and Guta Basner, sixth. With six great players there was plenty of action at the table right up until the head’s up play between Covington and Smith. In the winning hand, Covington went all in before the flop with (K8) and was called by Smith (K4). After the flop (A, 4, 3) Smith was ahead with a pair of 4’s. The turn card was a 4, which gave Smith three of a kind, and the river card was a 10. That gave Smith the winning hand of K-4-4-4-10. 

Smith has lived in Leisure World for six years and has been a member of the club from the start. This was her seventh final table win. Besides tournament poker, Smith is also a member of several other card clubs and enjoys swimming at the pool here in Leisure World. Her hobbies include shopping and traveling. 

For club information, email Deborah Barner at deborahbarner7@gmail.com.

—Deborah Barner


The Ladies “Q” Pool Club

The Ladies “Q” Pool Club is a place for women in Leisure World to get together to play pool. The club meets every Monday from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. In addition, a meeting is held on the
first Monday of the month to discuss issues that concern the club, followed by a game of pool. 

The pool room is open from 7 a.m.-10 p.m. daily. Members are encouraged to practice at
their leisure.

The goal of the club is to have fun. Beginners are encouraged and welcome. Members are happy to teach beginners how to play. Yearly dues are $5.  

For club information, call or text Susan Dodson at 562-279-5282 .


LW Pool Club 

The Leisure World Pool Club (LWPC) invites all Leisure World pool players to sign up for the weekly fall league. League play begins on Monday, Sept. 11, at 6 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. Players will have the option of playing in Monday or Wednesday night divisions.

Substitute players do not play every week but are needed in case regular roster players cannot compete on any particular week. 

Residents interested in playing in the fall league or who have questions can call or text LWPC President Steve Edrich at 714-980-3665 or LWPC Secretary/Treasurer Eunis WildFire! Christensen at 562-879-1954.


Pool Volleyball

Volleyball in the Leisure World pool is great fun, and everyone is invited. Games are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3 p.m. Sign-ups are not needed. People are free to just join in on the fun.


Cribbage Club

Cribbage is a card game, the objective of which is to be the first player to get 121 points. Yearly Cribbage Club dues are $5. A dollar is collected from each member before play  begins. Members who come by 12:15 p.m. are assured a place at the table each Tuesday in Clubhouse 1. Announcements are shared at 12:25 p.m. Seven games are played beginning at 12:30 p.m. 

Cribbage Club members Susan Dodson and Helen Elich won all seven games played last Tuesday, each one earning the first star placed on their name badge. The club congratulates both. Other winners for the day were Patti Smith, 844, second; Suzanne Frank, 835, third; Gene Smith and Jim Schneiderman, 830, fourth. Don Kramer and Wanda Bemben each won six of the seven games played and were out of the prize money. 

Terry Thrift and Franca Yeske provided cake and ice cream in celebration of their birthdays. They were born on the same day in the same year, one on the east coast and the other on the
west. Mary Holder assisted Yeske in serving the birthday treats. Melinda Cowan added candy and mixed nuts to the refreshment table. 

The club was saddened to learn of the death of longtime member Joe DiDonato. The club offers sincere condolences to his family and many friends who were close to him in Leisure World. 

For club information, contact Terry Thrift at 714-394-5885. 

—Marilyn Chelsvig


Yahtzee Club

The Yahtzee Club will meet Aug. 18 in Clubhouse 3, Room 6, at 1 p.m. There will be a half time social. The objective of  Yahtzee is to score points by rolling five dice to make certain combinations.

The club meets the first, third and fifth Fridays of each month.

Aug. 4 winners: Sandy Weisenstein, Nancy Mora, most Yahtzees; Sandra Dedubovay, high score; Marilyn Moody, low score; Karen Riner, door prize. 

For club information, contact Diane Seeger at 562-533-5997

—Joyce Ingram


Duplicate Bridge Club

The Duplicate Bridge Club meets on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays in Clubhouse 1 at 12:30 p.m. Reservations can be made at any game using the sign-up sheets. Players can call Linda Nye at 562-453-6678 or email her at yuelingnye@yahoo.com no later than 10 a.m. on game day. Arrive by 12:15 to confirm reservations.

July 31 winners (seven tables): Tony Reddy and Miranda Reddy, and Larry Topper and Aarlyn Glenn, north/south; Bud Parish and Carol Murakashi, and Kathy Jervik and Priscilla Caillouette, east/west. 

Aug. 4 winners (seven tables): Larry Topper and Lynn Danielson, and Thad Mikols and Bob Goldstein, north/south; Adair Paul and Mike Nielsen, and Judy Jones and Al Appel, east/west.

The club congratulates the winners and thanks all the players who participate and support the club. 

For complete results, including a list of all players and scores, go to the Long Beach Bridge Center results page at www.acblunit557.org and click on Leisure World Results.

There is a break in the lessons and supervised play offered on Friday mornings. They will resume in a few weeks.

For more information about joining the club, contact John Markovich at 562-661-0502 or by email at cdrjjm@yahoo.com.

—John Markovich


Pinochle Club

The Pinochle Club meets on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays in Clubhouse 1 from noon-4 p.m.

July 24 winners: Dolores Cook, 10,620, first place; Gene Smith, 10,180, second; Suzanne Tester, 10,090, third; Donna Gorman, 9,930, fourth.

July 27 winners: Dolores Cook, 13,060, first place; Gene Smith, 12,260, second; Peggy Kaspar, 11,450, third; Irene Perkins, 11,380, fourth.

July 29 winners: Dwayne Maclain, 10,710, first place; Chong He, 10,690, second; Julia Froise, 10,680, third; Donna Gorman, 10,020, fourth.

July 31 winners: Don Kramer, 11,910, first place; Diana Lambert, 10,660, second; Dolores Cook, 10,250, third; Dwayne Maclain, 9,780, fourth.

For more information, contact Antonia Zupancich at 760-427-2731 or antonia9543@sbcglobal.net.


LW Men’s Golf Club

The Leisure World Men’s Golf Club played its first tournament of the month on Aug. 9 at the Turtle Lake Golf Course. This round, Bob Johnston achieved a hole-in-one on hole No. 13.

The weather was sunny and warm with some clouds that kept the temps down throughout most of the round. With the exception of the tee boxes (dirt but no seed in the divot fix bottles), the course is in good condition with the weed patches on the greens receding nicely.

Two groups of three flights of variously skilled golfers played for best net scores (gross score minus handicap), plus four circle holes (shots within a 5-foot radius are rewarded) and two closest-to-the-pin challenges. 

A total of 63 golfers confronted the course. A special low gross challenge was offered, and 13 golfers accepted. Bob Barnum took first place with a 1 under 53; second place was a tie between Johnston and Bill Lyons at even par 54.

With good weather and minimum wind there were 62 birdies and 12 circle hole winners. Additionally, 31 of 63 golfers were net at or under par. Closest to the pin on the seventh hole was Jon Russell, and closest on the 16th hole was Kevin Lindstedt. Low net score was Bill McKusky at 10 under 44, followed by Byron Schweitzer at 9 under 45, with eight other golfers at or under net 50.

All scores below are net equals gross score minus handicap.

A flight winners (with handicaps of 0-7): Johnston, first place; Dave LaCascia, second; Don Newhall, third; tie between Barnum, Lyons, and Rolando Ramirez, fourth; Bob Turner, fifth; tie between John Kolthoff, Andrew Kim and Mike Mayfield, sixth.

B flight winners (handicaps of 8-12): McKusky, first place; tie between Ryan Hong, Won Song, and Roland Phillips, second; Peter Oh, third; John Rudosky, fourth; tie between Alan Sewell and Paul Alloway, fifth; tie between Steve Kang and Gene Archambault, sixth; tie between Bruce Bowles and Hyon Shin, seventh; Dennis McGonigle, eighth; James Farr, ninth; Richard Yokomi, tenth.

C flight winners (handicaps of 13-18): Schweitzer, first place; Jack Haskins, second; Mike Carlson, third; tie between Chang Ho Choi, Kevin Linstedt, Manny Miranda and John Sorenson, fourth; Bill Zurn, fifth; Paul Schellenberger, sixth.

The next men’s tournament will be on Aug. 23, and every second and fourth Wednesday of the following months. Those who had planned to play in any tournament and cannot should contact Alan Sewell at 541-936-0285, Scott Tuchfarber at 909-684-0426 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975 as soon as possible. Arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled tee time and be ready to play.

—Dave LaCascia


LW Women’s Golf Club

Thirty-six women golfers played in the weekly Women’s Golf Club tournament on Aug. 8.

The women played for low gross, low net and birdies. 

A flight winners: Low gross: Linda Herman, Jessica Choi and Devora Kim, 27. Herman had a birdie on hole No. 1, Choi on No. 4 and Kim on No. 2, 4 and 8. Low net: Sang An, Jane Song and Nina DeRosa, 27.
An had birdies on holes No. 1 and 5, and DeRosa on No. 7 and 8.

B flight winners: Low gross: Sally Park, 27, with birdies on holes No. 1 and 8; low net: Hae Lee, 23. Margie Thompson had a birdie on hole No. 1 and Veronica Chang on No. 9.

C flight winners: Low gross: MaryAnn Moore, 31; low net: Joann Lim and Sue Yokomi, 25. Yokomi had a birdie on hole No. 7. 

D flight winners: Low gross: Kum Delias and Sang Hi Kim, 34. Delias had birdies on holes No. 2 and 8. Low net: Betty Regalado, 25, with a birdie on hole No.4 and Mary Devlin on hole No. 6.

Women interested in joining the LW Women’s Golf Club can obtain an application from the golf course starter or contact club treasurer Margie Thompson at 562-493-0484 for more information. 

—Liz Meripol


Men’s Golf League Results

The Monday and Friday Golf Leagues play at four local courses, all within 15-20 minutes of Leisure World. The courses the group plays are always quite full, so advance league reservations are required with a sign-up sheet available at each round.

There is a prize pool for each round, which players are
not obligated to enter. Rewards are given for low net in each flight, birdies, closest-to-the pin on two par threes, and for the fewest number of putts in each flight. Holes-in-one and eagles
(2 under par), although infrequent, are generously rewarded. 

On Aug. 4, 10 golfers competed at the 5,800-yard par-70 Riverview Golf Course in Santa Ana. This course has nearly recovered from the destruction caused by the winter rains and is in great condition. 

Scores were better than average, and there were four birdies, two by Jim Goltra and one each by Dave LaCascia and Tom Ross. Gary Stivers, Fujio Norihiro, and Goltra tied for fewest putts for the “A” flight and Ross had fewest for the “B.” Closest to the pin on the par-3 second hole was Norihiro and Ross was closest on the par-3 ninth.

A flight winners: Bill McKusky, 7 under 63, first place; tie between LaCascia, Norihiro, Goltra and Clay Fischer, 3 under 67, second; Stivers, 1 under 69, third.

B flight winners: Ross, 5 under 65, first place; Lowell Goltra, second; tie between Bob Munn and Ron Jackson, third.

On Aug. 7, 10 golfers competed at the 5,600-yard par-71 Meadowlark Golf Course in Huntington Beach. 

Although scores were good there were just two birdies: one each by Dave LaCascia and Tom Ross. Lowell Goltra was closest to the pin on the par-3 seventh hole. Gary Stivers had fewest putts in the “A” flight, and Tom had fewest in the “B.”

A flight winners: Bill McKusky, 4 under 67, first place; Clay Fischer, 3 under 68, second; LaCascia, 2 under 69, third; Gary Stivers, 1 under 70, fourth; tie between Jim Goltra and Fujio Norihiro, fifth.

B flight winners: Bob Munn, 4 under 67, first place; Lowell Goltra, 1 under 70, second; Digna Vesely, 1 over 72, third; Daniel Mahoney, fourth; tie between Ross and Gene Vesely, fifth.

For club information, contact Gary Stivers at 714-313-3697 or Dave LaCascia at 801-674-5975.

—Dave LaCascia


Shuffleboard Club to host clinic

On Saturday, Aug. 19, the LW Shuffleboard Club will host an open house and training clinic from 9-11 a.m. at the courts building for any resident who is curious about shuffleboard and might want to join a fun group who enjoy a challenging game. The courts building is located behind Clubhouse 1 on Burning Tree Lane. All equipment is provided. For safety purposes, closed-toe shoes are required.

Sign-up sheets for the fall league are available in the courts building. After Labor Day, the fall teams will be assigned. Anyone interested in committing to one session per week for 9-12 weeks is invited to join either or both leagues. The Tuesday evening league play will start on Sept. 19 and the Friday morning league play will begin Sept. 22. 

 The celebration of the club’s 60  year anniversary will culminate Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 5 p.m. with a cook-out on the Clubhouse 1 patio with burgers, hot dogs, potluck salads, and desserts. Entertainment will be provided by the Greenville Singers. Two veteran members of the club, Maureen Habel and Dave LaCascia, will present a history of the 60 year old club. 

All are invited to attend. The ticket for attending is $5 plus a potluck contribution. RSVP to Sally Fowler at 562-493-5854.

 For more shuffleboard information, call or text Patty Peterson at 562-714-7072.



Last week, LW Bicycle Group members rode to Huntington Beach iHop for breakfast. The group meets on Sundays for breakfast, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the North Gate at 9 a.m. Bicycle helmets and safe shoes are required. All are welcome. For more information, call Mary Romero at 562-810-4266 or Lucy Cyza at 818-209-5075.


Meals on Wheels Long Beach

Meals on Wheels of Long Beach, Inc., delivers freshly cooked meals for $10.50 per day Monday-Friday, between 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Deliveries include an 8-ounce carton of 1 percent milk. An alternate dessert is available for those on a diabetic diet. 

Contact Client Manager Caron Adler at 562-439-5000, ext. 1, or visit www.mowlb.org to complete an online application or cancel a meal for the following day, before 9 a.m. the prior business day. 

Thursday, Aug. 17

Sweet and sour pork, sticky white rice, Green Bean Almondine, seasoned cauliflower, mixed melons, turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato and pickle, and macaroni salad.

Friday, Aug. 18

Hawaiian chicken with pineapple, brown and wild rice, oriental vegetable, corn, coconut cake, spinach salad with chicken, mandarin oranges, cranberries, feta cheese, balsamic vinaigrette, and crackers.

Monday, Aug. 21

Beef stew with potatoes, celery, carrots and onions, biscuit, fresh orange, egg salad sandwich with spinach and tomato, and  a homemade potato salad.  

Tuesday, Aug. 22

Chicken Marsala with mushroom and white wine sauce, barley pilaf, seasoned broccoli, carrots, kiwi, Caesar chicken salad, romaine lettuce, shredded cheese, croutons, dressing, and crackers.

Wednesday, Aug. 23

Pork loin with apple  berry sauce, rice pilaf, peas and onions, mandarin oranges, ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato and pickle, and Asian coleslaw.


Meals on Wheels Orange County

Meals on Wheels Orange County in partnership with the city of Seal Beach is hosting The Lunch Cafe at the North Seal Beach Center, 3333 St. Cloud Dr., Seal Beach, Monday-Friday, from 11 a.m.-noon. It is open to anyone 60 or older. Suggested contribution is $3, but everyone is welcome. Guests under 60 can enjoy lunch for $5. Arrive 10 minutes before the start time as meals are served on a first-come, first-served basis. 

LW Minibus service is available for a pick up at 10:25 a.m. at the Amphitheater bus stop on St. Andrews Drive, with a drop off at the Community Center. The Minibus returns to the Amphitheater at 11:40 a.m.

Thursday, Aug. 17

Salisbury steak with mushroom brown gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, whole wheat dinner roll and pineapple chunks.

Friday, Aug. 18

Chicken strips with sweet and sour sauce, pineapple fried rice, oriental vegetable blend, Hawaiian roll with Smart Balance, pineapple upside down cake, or fresh fruit (diet).

Monday, Aug. 21

Zuni corn soup with sugar-free crackers, poppy seed chicken, pasta salad, harvest salad (spring mix, cranberries and almonds with balsamic dressing), whole wheat crackers, and a sugar-free fruited gelatin.

Tuesday, Aug. 22

Spinach and mushroom quiche, roasted potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower blend, whole wheat dinner roll, and canned pears.

Wednesday, Aug. 23

Beef stew with vegetables and gravy, whole baby potatoes, whole wheat bread with Smart Balance, and a mandarin orange.


Meals on Wheels Long Beach

Meals on Wheels of Long Beach, Inc., delivers freshly cooked meals for $10.50 per day Monday-Friday, between 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Deliveries include an 8-ounce carton of 1 percent milk. An alternate dessert is available for those on a diabetic diet. 

Contact Client Manager Caron Adler at 562-439-5000, ext. 1, or visit www.mowlb.org to complete an online application or cancel a meal for the following day, before 9 a.m. the prior business day. 

Thursday, Aug. 17

Sweet and sour pork, sticky white rice, Green Bean Almondine, seasoned cauliflower, mixed melons, turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato and pickle, and macaroni salad.

Friday, Aug. 18

Hawaiian chicken with pineapple, brown and wild rice, oriental vegetable, corn, coconut cake, spinach salad with chicken, mandarin oranges, cranberries, feta cheese, balsamic vinaigrette, and crackers.

Monday, Aug. 21

Beef stew with potatoes, celery, carrots and onions, biscuit, fresh orange, egg salad sandwich with spinach and tomato, and  a homemade potato salad.  

Tuesday, Aug. 22

Chicken Marsala with mushroom and white wine sauce, barley pilaf, seasoned broccoli, carrots, kiwi, Caesar chicken salad, romaine lettuce, shredded cheese, croutons, dressing, and crackers.

Wednesday, Aug. 23

Pork loin with apple  berry sauce, rice pilaf, peas and onions, mandarin oranges, ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato and pickle, and Asian coleslaw.


Gain a sense of belonging and learn from shared experiences every Friday in CH 3

Joyce Brannon scored a top loser title at the Wa-Rite’s meeting on Aug. 4 by losing 7 pounds in one week. The club meets every Friday in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Weigh-ins are from 8:15-8:45 a.m. Each meeting runs from 9-10 a.m. Annual membership fee is $10. Weekly dues are ten cents. 

Brannon attributes her success to putting more thought into eating, portion control and not getting to the point of starving. As a diabetic, she faces more complications when losing weight, but certainly demonstrates that it’s possible.

The first meeting of the month also provided the opportunity to celebrate July’s queen, the ever-inspiring Karen Green, as her ongoing successful battle toward better health continues its forward march. 

One of her secrets to weight loss is a daily sweet treat after lunch. Even if it is calorie and portion-controlled, knowing it will be there makes it easier to forgo other temptations. Green also shared a positive experience with an over-the-counter remedy to UTIs. 

Additionally, the club had the opportunity to hear from the queen of June Marianne Barlow, who shared about her life as a resident and before she moved to Leisure World. A San Francisco native, Barlow and her husband enjoyed a long and full life together until his passing six months ago. Together they raised five children. 

Club president Judy Chambers also shared a contest announcement to begin in September, which will include an opportunity to win funny money to use during the club’s end of the year auction.

The final treat was a guest speaker, Leisure World resident Phuoc Germine, who spoke about her recent success losing 14 pounds and an improvement in her health. She emphasized the importance of nutritious and healthy food as well as commitment to exercise. Germine walks five miles per day, 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 in the early evening.

Upcoming guest speakers will talk about foods with healing power and bringing the brain on board with a healthier lifestyle.

Women interested in better health, more energy and some light-hearted camaraderie are welcome to visit up to three meetings for free before deciding to join.  

—Denise Stabile


Low Vision Aids for Aging Eyes

While some people are born with complete or partial vision loss, most older adults’ vision slowly dissipates over time.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)can lead to a loss of both central vision and the ability to see fine details. AMD happens when aging causes damage to the macula that controls sharp, straight-ahead vision. 

Learning to cope with these vision changes can take time, but certain low vision aids can help offset vision loss.

Magnifiers: Magnifiers use lenses or cameras to make objects appear bigger. They can help with detailed tasks, such as threading a needle, finding buttons on a remote control, or reading a menu at restaurants. 

Low vision glasses: Low vision glasses are head-mounted, hands-free wearable technology that offer text-to-speech capabilities in a product about the size of sunglasses. NuEyes is a popular brand. Glasses magnify anything a person looks at.

Large print items: There are a variety of products designed for those with low vision. These include wall clocks with large, bold numbers for easy viewing. Enlarged television remote controls and large-print books or digital reader settings help people with AMD maintain some normalcy.

Color contrast aids: Color or contrast can be used to make items easier to see and use. For example, the Keys U Can See Keyboard has black letters and numbers on a striking yellow keyboard to greatly improve visibility.

Talking products: From watches to clocks to bathroom scales, voice-equipped products give users information via audio.

In addition to these aids, eye doctors can recommend other products and treatments to help mitigate the vision loss that occurs with age, from AMD, or other eye illnesses. 



1960s and 1970s Trivia With Anthem

Anthem Health Plan is sponsoring ‘60s and ‘70s trivia game on Tuesday, Aug. 22, from 10-11 a.m. in the Optum Health Care Center large conference room. 

Everyone is invited to come as a team or alone to play trivia games with prizes, giveaways and snacks, and learn more about Anthem, healthcare and Medicare options. 

—Mitzi Winks


Men are encouraged to come out and break in their dancing shoes every Thursday in CH 2

Joyful Line Dance meets on Thursdays from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. Last week, the club had its first class in Clubhouse 2 to accommodate all members. Over 45 people had fun and enjoyed moving freely in the new space. The club’s head instructor Albert Comia shared new steps including grapevine, chasse, shuffle, rocking chair, and more. 

Joyful Line Dance has nine leaders who take turns teaching the classes. They are Albert Comia, Chung Cha Lewis, George Pinada, Carmel Atkinson, Sunny Kim, Gina Paik, Elizabeth Kim and Nak Soo Kim and Anna Derby. The club also encourages men to come out and put on their dancing shoes. 

Dancing or exercise shoes are required. Membership fees apply. For more information about the club, text Derby at 562-301-5339.




We refinish your SHOWER/TUB to look brand new. Convert to WALK-IN SHOWER and/or raise seat. Nu Kote 562-833-3911  

Serving LW since 1999.   SB Business License 699080.  Exp 10/11



Complete maintenance and landscape. Serving Leisure-World since 1978. Planting/Clean-Ups/Fertilization. New Lawns, etc. Offering my services to every Mutual. Honest and Reliable. State Contractor’s License 779462. Call 562-863-7739, 

562-743-3832 or 714-527-1172.   Exp 8/30


JR HOME REPAIRS.  Quality work. Perfectionist, honest & reliable. Call JR 562-519-2764. SB Business License JRH0001. Exp 7/10/2024




Kitchen/Bathroom-Remodeling. Install Microwave/Dishwasher/Recessed-Lights/Closets Redesigned/Cabinets-Refaced/New-Windows/Patio-Storage and Enclosures.  Exp 10/18

40+/Years in LW

License 723262


Painting/FREE Estimates. 1-room or entire-house and refinish kitchen cabinets. (714)-826-8636. Call Jerry. CA State License 675336.   Exp 11/08


CORY GEE PAINTING. State Contractor License 1049257.  Bonded and Insured. Interior and Exterior, Cabinets/Drywall/Texturing/Acoustic-Ceilings, Senior-Discounts. (714)-308-9931.  Exp 10/18


562-596-0559,  LW DECOR INC.

Premium-Paints. Interiors/Cabinets/Ceilings/Exterior-Windows/Frames. Our Own Painting-Crew. 40+/Years in LW. Business License 723262.  Exp 10/18


Bel-Rich Painting.  Small-Jobs, Bathrooms, Walls, Gates & More! Call Bret 714-220-9702. Business License 705131.

Exp 11/01


Painting service for exterior or interior repairs, texture/drywall/cabinets/skylights/gates/frames. Joshua 714-267-6756. State Contractor License 1081798.  Exp 11/22/2023


LADY PAINTER. Cindy Beatteay 714-356-1539. Interior Paint, Speciality-Finishes, Cabinets, Murals and MORE! State Contractor License 1033927.  Exp 10/18



CLEAN AND REPAIR. Licensed and insured. Dan (562)-841-3787. SB Business License BRA0002.  Exp 10/04


SKYLIGHT Cleaning & Repairs, Contact Eugene (714) 774-4385. Contractor License 634613-B.   Exp 11/29/2023

Window Washing

BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS. 40+ YEARS EXPERIENCE.  PHIL (562)-881-2093.  SB Business License  AB0001.  Exp 10/11

Leisure World Helping Leisure World

Does your walker need new tennis balls? Delivery and installation provided. Please provide your name and phone number. Free of charge.  Diane Hart 714-955-2885.



Offering FREE advice on buying/selling of your golf cart. Also batteries and Safety Flags. 562-431-6859


Experienced Caregiver available to assist with/Daily-Care/Doctor-Appointments/Errands/Available_24/7. 949-899-7770.SB Business License HEL0006.  Exp 9/27



Experienced, knowledgeable caregivers. Honest/Assertive/Fluent-English. Hourly/Full-Time, doctor-appointments, errands. Bernadine/562-310-0280. Bonded/Insured.  SB Business License BCS0002. Exp 1/31/2024


MOST AFFORDABLE RATES with/optimum service, 30-years LW experience. Licensed Reliable, Honest Caregivers. 24-hours/Part-Time/Doctor-Appointments. References, Fluent English.  Ann/714-624-1911 and 562-277-3650/Heide.  SB Business License HYC0001.  Exp 10/25



Over 25+/years in Leisure-World with/Excellent References.  Hourly or Live-in. Please Call Pampet/562-371-4895. SB License PAN0003.   Exp 10/11


Elderly care. Live-in, Live-out. 30+ years experience. Cooking, cleaning, medications, companions, doctors. Experience with dementia. Gloria 949-371-7425.  SB Business License RAZ0002.   Exp 11/01


Maria’s experienced caregivers. Run errands, Doctor appointments, cleaning, part-time, full-time, live-in. (562)-230-4648. SB Business License CAM0006.   Exp 10/18


Anthony Caregiver. Light-Cleaning/Doctor-Appointments/Errands/Cooking/Laundry. Anthony Camacho College Student/Available-Evening-and-Nights-ONLY. 714-605-6869. SB Business License 14206319.  Exp 8/30


Tammy Nguyen Phenix Salon. Service in private suite. One-customer, one-hairstylist. Sanitized & professional. Haircut for men-and-women. Shampoo/Set/Color/Highlights/Perms, Nails/Toenails. In-house service available. 13944 Seal Beach Boulevard,  #116. Tammy Nguyen (714)-425-4198.   Exp 9/27


In home haircare, serving the men-and-women of Leisure-World for 36Years+. Mel Cell/562-480-9341. SB Business License #KC75538.  Exp 8/23


Experienced Housekeeper providing Weekly-and-Monthly cleaning. Call/949-899-7770. SB Business License HEL0006 

Exp 9/27


MOVE-IN, MOVE-OUT. Walls, Floors, WINDOWS. CALL PHIL 562-881-2093. Over 30 Years Experience! SB Business License AB0001. Exp 10/11



Windows 10% off first cleaning. General housecleaning. Excellent referrals in LW. (562) 307-3861. 20 years experience.

SB Business License GRA0006.   Exp 10/04


General housekeeping, 30+ years experience. Bi-weekly or monthly. Gloria 949-371-7425.  SB Business License RAZ002.  Exp 11/01


Maria House-Cleaning. We’ll make your house look NICE-as-Possible! 15+/years experience. We can work with/your schedule. Bi-weekly/Monthly. Deep-Cleaning. Call/Text/714-496-2885. Business License HER0008.   Exp 11/01


MAGALY’S CLEANING  SERVICE. We make your home sparkle! 7-days/call anytime! Complete-cleaning. 562-505-1613

SB Business License M0001A.  Exp 9/20


Albert & Patricia House-Cleaning.  Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly. (562)-397-4659,  (323)-413-0830.  SB Business  License14206409. Exp 9/20


FRUSTRATED (562)755-6199

Everything for your computer (PC-or-Mac), Cellphone, TV, Stereo, any Electronic-Device. Tina Schaffer. SB Business License CIP0001   Exp 1/10/2024


COMPUTER SERVICES (562)-733-9193

All things computer related. Phones, TV’s, Tablets, Electronic gadgets. Call John LW Resident.  SB License FUH0001.

Exp 11/01



Cars/Motorcycle/Truck, running-or-not. We are local, call anytime! We pay cash and remove promptly! We do DMV and Release-of-Liability for you! Bonded/Licensed, since 1985! Call us 562-684-0901, we can come out and give you a quote.   CA Business License 046854. Exp 9/27


Golf Cars SELL, BUY, TRADE and REPAIRS. Call 714-292-9124.  Exp 1/03/2024


2021 HDK Golf-Cart, 300miles, 4-Passenger Evolution, Like-New $8,500  Includes AM/FM-Radio with/dual-speakers/bluetooth/backup-camera. Peter/(562)-756-1126.


Need a lift? Pam Miller. LW Residents ONLY. 310-227-1258   Exp 8/30


Inexpensive Shuttle. Airports, Shopping, Doctors, etc. SB License  ABL0001. 562-881-2093. Exp 10/11

autos/boats/RV’s trailers FOR SALE


Installed at your residence. Call Frank 562-743-3832. Contractor’s License 779462.   Exp 8/30


2002/Lexus LS430 Sedan, EVERY-option, VERY-clean, driven less than 6,000miles/Per-Year. Asking $6,200/OBO. Call/562-852-5478. Exp 8/23



No job too small! Fast/Reliable/Great-Prices. Seal Beach Business License BRA0002. 562-841-3787/Dan.  Exp 10/04



Your-Friendly-MOVERS. We-offer-Hauling-Service-too. ANY size job!  Call (310)-387-2618.  Business License RO263644. Exp 10/11


LESLIE’S VINTAGE STORE Buying Furnishings/Wrought-Iron/Rattan/1960s-Modern/Artwork/Rugs/Statutes/Tiki/Jewelry/Vintage-Clothing/Miscellaneous-Collectibles, ETC. Call/562-243-7229  Exp 11/08


Coins, Comics, First Day Cover Stamps, Misc. Appointments Monday-Friday. Call 562-594-3975. Exp 8/30


Thousand Trails Membership/$999. Good for all TT campgrounds in the USA. 50-nights/FREE-camping and after for/$5.00-per-night ($549-dues/Yearly). We sold RV. Call-for-Details/360-319-4095. Exp 8/30


Yard/Patio Sale. 13600 El Dorado Drive/Mutual-04/Unit-37J. Thursday/August-17th-and-Friday/August-18th/9:00am-3:00pm. Tools/Some-Antiques/Miscellaneous-Household-Items. For-entry-into-Leisure-World, Call Jeff 562-506-6911.


Carport Sale. Saturday August-19th, 8:00am-3:00pm. Mutual-11/Carport-Building-129. Crossroads Northwood Road and Shawnee Lane.


GOOD SALE. Mutual-15. McKinney Patio/27E and Neighbors/Carport-4. Thursday/August-17th-and-Friday/August-18th, 9:00am-2:00pm. Vintage-jewelry/linens/baskets/dishes/silverware and MORE!


Men’s Single Speed Cruiser Bike $100/OBO. Call 562-810-3166


Condo available for Lease in Mutual-17. Call/562-810-3166. Exp 8/30 


Leisure-World Home for Lease. 2-Master-Bedrooms with own Bath. Super Light & Clean. NO PETS. Available/October-1st. One-Time Leisure-World Membership Fee per Tenant Required. Call/(949)-680-8840; Leave-Message for Call-Back. $2,200/Monthly. Exp 8/23


Westminster Memorial Park. Three double-plots under a shady tree. $8,000 per/double-plots. Can be sold individually/or-a -set. 562-481-2460/Photos-Available-Upon-Request.